Monday, December 15, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
The Case of the Missing Numbers Math Pack, an editable binder cover, and editable student name tags for the holidays! Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
To snag your copy visit my tpt store!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Check it out!
Phew!!! I have finished and published a four week place value unit for second grade! It is all alligned to CCSS and progresses though the standards of place value. I was in need of a place value unit that aligned to CCSS, so I created one! I have used this unit in my own classroom. During our month of study, I reviewed, revised, changed, edited and updated this unit to meet my own needs as a teacher as well as the needs of a diverse group of students. Lesson Plans have CCSS, number talks, objectives, and detailed activities as well as assessments and high order thinking questions. My goal was to create a tool to use, in which teachers could use in their classrooms with very little prep. I am excited for this unit to be used in other classrooms and can't wait to hear your feedback! Thank you so much!!
Verbal Overview
Visual Overview in calendar format
Unit interactive notebook cover with student friendly learning expectations
Interactive notebook “different ways to record numbers” graphics
Bloom’s high order thinking question for student notebook with most lessons
Anchor chart graphics to match student notebooks.
Student Progress tracker for student self assessments
Post test
Detailed Lesson Plans for FOUR weeks (that’s 20 lessons!!!) all aligned with CCSS including:
Ideas for number talks with each lesson
Writing numbers in different ways, (standard, expanded, word, and Base-ten model)
Adding and subtracting with and without regrouping
Skip counting and patterns with number line
CGI style problem solving
Greater than/less comparing and ordering numbers
Printables for FOUR weeks
Pictures and examples of the unit working in my own classroom
High order thinking questions to post in student notebooks.
And more!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Constitution Day and Freedom week
Thursday, February 6, 2014
As a special education teacher, I wanted my center to be differentiated for all the learners in our classroom.
The word cards come in different levels, and there are many blank cards that you can write any words needed on.
As an extension for kiddos in need of a challenge, there is a recording page in which words that have been placed on the nonsense sorting mat can be turned into a real word by adding the e to the end, reread and used in a sentence.
I kind of wanted something different for our classroom this valentines day, so created this center using bright colors with little "scrappy hearts" from the 3am teacher ( )rather than traditional pink and red "cutsies."
Check out the preview below, or on my tpt store.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
As all my special teachers know, its a very important, but tedious task to keep all involved in a child's education aware of accommodations and modifications that have been developed and recorded in a student's IEP. Great care must be taken, though, to be successful at this task, because those accommodations and modifications are so important, and help even the playing field for a child with a disability.
I developed a tool for myself, and distributed to everyone in my building along with my students, accommodations and modification page from their IEP to help myself (and other teachers) be aware of those accommodations and modifications at all time. I just called it "Modifications and Accommodations at a glance" I divided my student by grade level, naturally, and checked their accommodations and modifications off on a single page per grade level. Of course the IEP is my ultimate go to, however this quick reference helped as a reminder of all the important information.
Check it out below!
But.....I have decided to go ahead and continue to record my adventures each day at Wooster Elementary as a Special Education Inclusion teacher. (Most days it is the very best job ever!)
So hello there all 2014 bloggers!